Summer Courses Yale Divinity School
D09 Jonathan Edwards on the History of Redemption: The Church throughout the Ages
June 17-21 9:00-11:30am
Course Description: This intensive course will consist of primary and secondary readings from and on Edwards’s unfinished opus, “A History of the Work of Redemption,” supplemented by selections from other writings in his corpus, focusing on his concept of sacred time, providence, revivalism, and the role and functions of the church, placed within the historical context of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Reformed religious culture.
D12 The Heidelberg Catechism: An Ecumenical Foundation for Christian Teaching?
June 17-21 1:30-4:00pm
Course Description: 2013 is the 450-year commemoration of the Heidelberg Catechism (1563), a teaching manual of Christian instruction used in particular in the Reformed Protestant faith tradition. This course is part of the worldwide commemorative attention given to this document throughout 2013, for example, at Heidelberg University and through Refo500. The course will provide a historical introduction to Christian catechetical instruction, with particular emphasis on the Heidelberg Catechism. We will consider trajectories and transitional moments in the transfer of Christian thought, continuities and discontinuities, from the Early Church to the Medieval era and on to the Reformation period. The Heidelberg Catechism will be placed in context, contrasted and compared with catechisms of other Christian faith traditions, such as Lutheranism, Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism and Scottish-Presbyterianism. We will explore the structure and content of the Heidelberg Catechism as well as its use as an instructional manual and a preaching document.