Regeneration, Revival, and Creation


  • Chris Chun




On January 15-16, 2019, Jonathan Edwards Center at Gateway Seminary, otherwise known as JEC (West) held its inaugural conference at my institution. Edwards has won admirers across denominational lines. The selection of plenary speakers for the conference was a reflection of that reality. Douglas Sweeney came from the Lutheran tradition, Michael Haykin is a Baptist and Oliver Crisp, a Presbyterian. Diversity among separate ecclesiastical traditions, however, does not mean there is not a shared interest and appreciation for Edwards. Among the contributors to the conference proceedings are Evangelical Free and Congregational scholars, Baptists of different stripes: Southern, American, and Independent. Various Reformed traditions, such as the Presbyterian Church of America, the Presbyterian Church USA, Heritage Reformed Churches, as well as others who identify themselves as broadly reformed. Yet these diverse representatives gathered together to explore their common interest in the thinking of Edwards. If Edwards’s works were simply admired among only a small group of like-minded scholars, it would be less impressive. The fact that we have so many from such diverse traditions as contributors is a testament to Edwards’s stature as a thinker of the highest order.


